Mark Tremonti has a long and colourful history of working with PRS. With numerous signature models over the years, he's becoming something of an informal brand ambassador. Now they've taken their working relationship to the next level with the release of the PRS MT15 - an incredible lunchbox valve amp that combines the aggression, articulation and precision of Tremonti's sound in spectacular fashion! Massive Sound, Compact Unit The MT15 was designed to satisfy the darkest desires of hard rock and metal players, with a gain channel that delivers a sizeable and punchy sound while retaining perfect definition. This is Tremonti's first signature amp, so both him and PRS have made sure that it'll make your chugging rhythms smack and your leads soar like never before. Despite this, the clean channel has been carefully tweaked to have a bright bell-like resonance; ideal for plucking, strumming and ambient playing alike. Regardless of the tone that you choose, the PRS MT15 amp will remain balanced and responsive - uncompromising! Proficient & Versatile PRS have been kind enough to arm this nifty unit with a few secret weapons too. For instance, the clean channel features a handy push/pull boost control that drives the sound into crispy, biting blues territory. You've also got separate EQ controls for both channels, allowing you to truly hone in on the sound of your choice. As well as this, you've got an effects loop, bias adjusters and power attenuation (15W to 7W) - giving you all the legroom you'll need. Make no mistake, the PRS MT15 is a formidable amplifier that makes a worthy addition to both PRS' and Tremonti's repertoire!
What looks best on a PRS
Part of the 2024 PRS SE Range
The latest creation of PRS in the SE range
Part of the 2024 new PRS SE line