MXR make some incredible pedals but oddly enough they have never really had many reverb pedals in their lineup. The M300 has 6 different reverbs available at your feet with three simple controls to get everything set up up nice and easy. Six Models Inside this compact pedal you have access to mericulously crafted Room, Epic, Plate, Spring, Mod and Pad reverbs that are all switchable with a push of the Tone control. Each of these models are controlled by a high quality digital chipset while the dry signal is 100% analogue not going anywhere near the digital tone path. This keeps your signal clean and clear. Simple Controls No one wants a pedal that takes ages to set up. Simplicity is key especially with things like reverb, that is why the MXR just has three simple controls. Mix which sets the dry/wet mix of the effect, Tone sets the feel of the effect rolling in more high end, the Decay control sets how long you want the reverb to last. Nice and simple to set up and get any tone you want. Here's what MXR say about the M300 Reverb Pedal The MXR Reverb packs six distinct, exquisitely-crafted high end reverb styles into a Phase 90-sized box package with a simple three-knob setup, a hi-fi analog dry path, and an expression output so you can blend setting configurations. Specifications Six meticulously crafted reverbs in one pedal Hi-fi analog and digital audio paths Dry path is 100% analog Studio-grade low noise floor Relay true bypass and delay trails modes Expression pedal jack for foot control of all knob settings Stereo In/Out capability when using TRS cables