Mad Professor pedals, designed by pedal Wizard Bjorn Juhl are constructed in Finland by a skilled team of engineers, Mad Professor pedals are available in both PCB and hand wired variants and deliver monster tone for a really competitive price. Built with the intention to interact flawlessly with each other, you can create some simply stunning soundscapes with these beauts. One of the most sought-after guitar tones is a combination of a great overdrive or fuzz pedal into overdriven tube amplifier. Amber Overdrive produces this sound even when running through a clean amplifier. It delivers a thick sound whether playing chords or single notes, fat and juicy with just a hint of fuzz. Though highly saturated, this dynamic overdrive can be cleaned up with the volume control of your guitar. As with all Mad Professor pedals, it offers a wide range of dynamics and expressive touch sensitivity. NOTICE: Amber Overdrive is a medium input impedance device that places a light load on your guitar pickups to produce a smoother tone. it will work best as the first pedal in the chain. if you run a buffered pedal ahead of Amber Overdrive you will get an increase in treble and upper midrange